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Transactions 05 October 2003

2iC x Teamlog

Secteur Consulting & Technology Services
2ic sold to Teamlog
Client 2ic

Present with major banks, it develops software and integrates some for trading rooms and computer networks

Contrepartie Teamlog

The IT services company listed on the Second Marché (see n° 615) has just bought 2IC, a specialist in financial IT.

Teamlog poursuit son essor

The IT services company listed on the Second Marché (see No. 615) has just acquired 2IC, a specialist in financial IT. Created in 1997, 2IC brings to the listed group some forty consultants and €3.4m in turnover. Present with major banks, it develops software and integrates some for trading rooms and computer networks

Secteur lié

Consulting & Technology Services

PAX Corporate Finance is the leading investment bank in the consulting and technology services sector. For over 20 years, we have been supporting entrepreneurs in these industries with nearly one hundred successful transactions.
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