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Transactions 18 November 2019

Gassendi x Cerba Healthcare

Secteur Health
Pax Corporate Finance helps Gassendi laboratory’s biologists-partners complete their merger with Cerba Healthcare
Client Gassendi

The Gassendi Medical Biology laboratory offers innovative medical biology that combines medical expertise, quality, proximity and service to patients and healthcare professionals. Founded in 1907 by Léon Comte, it was the 169th laboratory opened in France. Three medical biologists, backed by a team of skilled employees and cutting-edge equipment located on site, work to quickly provide the results of traditional analyses in hematology, biochemistry, bacteriology, virology, parasitology and immunoenzymology.”

Contrepartie Cerba Healthcare

Cerba Healthcare is a world leader in medical biology. With nearly 600 biologists working at its 450 local laboratories and its 150 sampling centres, the group focuses on five complementary activities: - Specialised medical biology centred at Laboratoire Cerba, - Local medical biology, - Veterinary biology and genetics, - Clinical trial biology, - Diagnostic test biology. Present on five continents, Cerba Healthcare provides care for 25 million patients each year. This acquisition will allow the group to extend its regional presence following the recent acquisition of the Manesq laboratory in September of this year.

Created in 1907, Gassendi is a major medical analysis laboratory based in Digne-les-Bains (04).

Drs. Catherine and Nicholas Strzalkowski, who head Gassendi, had appointed Pax Corporate Finance to help them sell the laboratory.

As part of a competitive process, the biologists-partners chose to join Cerba, opting for a more regional project in Alpes-de-Haute-Provence.

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PAX Corporate Finance is the preferred partner of healthcare players in their capital transactions.
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